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Community Association Matters

Sep 21, 2018

In 2017, Hurricane Irma came by Florida but luckily it was not a direct hit. Unfortunately, it still caused enough damage to a number of people and property. Though there were policies and procedures issued since this calamity, we as individual homeowners, board members, and associations still need to know what to do...

Aug 24, 2018

What happens when a condominium has a construction defect? A construction defect is a problem in the workmanship or in the materials used to build a structure, which ultimately causes harm to a person or property, usually amounting to huge financial damages.


The common solution for many community associations in...

Jun 22, 2018

In 2008 Americans experienced the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. The drop in real estate prices caused tremendous turmoil and had far reaching impacts worldwide.  Banking and insurance institutions closed down; the largest mortgage lender and the largest savings and loan companies...

May 4, 2018

Lets assume your community has a no pet policy.  For years that policy went unchallenged, but now your association finds itself with an accommodation request from an owner for an Emotional Support Animal.  Is your association required to approve that accommodation?  Is it legal for you to ask for...

Mar 30, 2018


Some time last year in the summer, I turned on CNN, as I typically do to bring myself up to speed with the news.  I was horrified at the video before me; it was showing an apartment building ablaze in London.  According to reports, 79 people perished in that fire and more than 600 residents were impacted by this fire...